Cochise was chief of the Chiricahua Apaches. He led a war against Arizonan settlers after they arrested him and killed his relatives. A treaty of peace was eventually signed, but this was broken after his death. Birthplace: unknown.
Just as Cochise, Geronimo was a chief of the Chiricahua Apaches. He also waged war on the settlers until his capture in 1886. His people were detained until 1913, four years after Geronimo's death. Birthplace: unknown.
A staunch conservative, Barry Goldwater was a well-known U.S. senator and Presidential hopeful. He firmly believed in the United States rights and need to be in Vietnam, and took a strong stance against what was then the USSR. Birthplace: Phoenix.
Though Zane Grey was born in Ohio, his Western stories of gunmen and mean villains are more closely associated with the Arizona terrain than any other. He was also a noted writer on fishing. Birthplace: Zanesville, Ohio.
Helen Jacobs was the United States women's singles tennis champion from 1932 through 1935. She was Wimbledon champion in 1936. Birthplace: Globe.
Sandra Day O'Connor spent her entire legal career in Arizona, being named assistant attorney general and a state Senator. In 1981, she became a Supreme Court Justice, the first woman to ever sit on the highest judicial bench. Birthplace: Duncan.